HOMING IN ON ENGLAND The Story of England – A Village and Its People Through the Whole of English History Michael Wood, London: Penguin, 2011, 440 pp. Michael Wood begins with a quotation from Blake: “To Particularize is the Alone Distinction of Merit.” This summarises his aim, which is to zero in on one small… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Leicestershire
Homing in on England – Michael Wood’s The Story of England
Homing in on England The Story of England—A Village and Its People Through the Whole of English History Michael Wood, London: Penguin 440 pps, £20 Michael Wood begins with a quotation from Blake: To Particularize is the Alone Distinction of Merit. This line betokens his aim, which is to zero in on one small English… Continue reading
Leicester – the arrhythmic heart of England
Leicester – the arrhythmic heart of England The city of Leicester is about as far from the sea as one can get in England. But one sweltering August day, when everyone else was heading down to the beaches, we were driving in the opposite direction so that I could fill in a long-troubling gap on… Continue reading