Gothic architecture The Adventures of Simplicius Simplicissimus Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen Introduced by Kevin Cramer, translated by J. A. Underwood, Penguin, 2018, 462 pps., £12.99 On 23 May 1618, Bohemian Protestants pushed two Catholic governors and their secretary through the windows of Prague Castle, in protest at the anti-Protestantism of Bohemia’s King Ferdinand, soon to be… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Thirty Years’ War
Spectator review of Simplicius Simplicissimus
My Spectator review of the new translation of Simplicius Simplicissimus, Grimmelshausen’s picaresque classic of the Thirty Years War, is now online –
With Wallenstein in High Germany
With Wallenstein in High Germany It is a small town in Bavaria, and it is at least 32 degrees C. The camera weighs heavy in my hands, and I can feel speckles of sweat accumulating beneath my black rucksack, as it soaks up the sun like a square and sinister sponge. All around us are… Continue reading