James Connor has penned a generous and thoughtful review of my Irish novel A Modern Journey. An extract:
“Turner is an outstanding wordsmith. The quality of his writing is a pleasure. Maybe he could have dialed back some of the more preposterous pronouncements of Ambrose, but only because they slacken the pace. Then again, I have a vague memory of Ignatius J. Reilly going on a bit, and I’ve grown to treasure the single and singular work of J.K. Toole.
Dublin is also an excellent background to explore the direction of modern Ireland. Sure, things are changing. Though it might be a soft sell, Turner explores the diverse perspectives of the clergy, the aristocracy, the middle class, the low and the high. The cultural cohesiveness as well as the piety of Ireland’s people is being cast aside, and no one seems to have any idea whether this is for the better. Things used to be more simple.
And for those who skimmed ahead, the shorter version is, yes, this is a highly recommended read that paints modern Dublin in an interesting light and will give you ideas to play with. MGM and Paramount are reportedly in a bidding war for the film rights, but that may only be a rumour!”